Our Dream of a Boarding School

At Zoe City Light School in Kitale, Kenya, we harbor a compelling dream of extending our impact by establishing a boarding school. This dream is born out of our deep commitment to making a difference in the lives of street kids in Kitale. Our vision is to create a haven that not only provides education but also addresses the pressing needs of these vulnerable children.

In envisioning the boarding school, we see a place where street kids can find refuge from the hardships of living in the slums. Beyond offering academic learning, we aim to provide them with nutritious meals and the safety of a secure place to sleep. This holistic approach is designed to break the cycle of poverty and offer a transformative experience that nurtures both their minds and well-being.

Our dream is rooted in the belief that every child deserves a chance at a better future. Through the boarding school initiative, we hope to offer not just education but a lifeline to those who need it most, guiding them towards a path of hope, resilience, and opportunity.